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CodeKit stopped "watching" folders for file changes, why?

I love CodeKit, but for some reason, it stopped "watching" for changes to the files in the folder I placed in there. I double checked the project configuration to make sure the output paths are correct, but when I make a change to any of the files being watched, CodeKit does nothing -- no minifying, syntax checking, compiling down .scss files to .css.

As the developer suggested to "refresh" CodeKit, I launched the app while holding down shift and sure enough CodeKit opened with no projects. So I re-added the project, and still, it is not watching the files. Has anybody ever encountered this with CodeKit?

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ariestav Avatar asked Sep 11 '12 20:09


People also ask

What is config CodeKit?

CodeKit stores your project's settings in a file named config. codekit3. When you change a setting in the UI, that file updates immediately. If you remove the project from CodeKit, then add it back or add it to CodeKit on a different Mac, the app reads this file and recreates your project exactly as it was.

What is CodeKit?

CodeKit is an app that helps you build websites faster. It compiles all the cutting-edge languages like Sass, Less, Stylus and CoffeeScript. It live-refreshes your browsers. It combines, minifies and syntax-checks JavaScript. It even optimizes images.

1 Answers

I have experienced a similar issue before and it was because in the codekit project I had included the images folder and I generated a huge amount of .png images. Every time codekit ran it got hung up processing the pngs trying to compress them.

Try putting your images folder outside of your codekit project directory and see if that helps.

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lommaj Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09
