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Codeigniter load model in library



I am using codeigniter 2.1.3

I am trying to load a model from the library. Initially my code in the construct in the library looks like this

$this->CI=& get_instance(); $this->CI->load->database('default')

Then in one of my library methods

when I tried the line below it doesnt work


but when I tried this


it works, anyone can explain what the instance of CI refers to and the 2 extra parameters when loading the model? Thanks in advance.

like image 619
kkh Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 18:02


People also ask

How to load model in CodeIgniter library?

To load your model correctly, in your library, $this->CI->load->model('model_name'); is enough. The second parameter allows you to access your model through a different object name. The third parameter is not necessary for loading models, but allows you to autoload the database driver. Save this answer.

Which function is used to load a library in CodeIgniter?

You will load it using: $this->load->library('flavors/chocolate'); You may nest the file in as many subdirectories as you want. Additionally, multiple libraries can be loaded at the same time by passing an array of libraries to the load function.

What is $this in CodeIgniter?

$this refers to the current object. Whenever you create an instance like this: $something = new SomeClass(); Then $this refers to the instance that is created from SomeClass , in this case $something . Whenever you are in the class itself, you can use $this to refer to this instance.

What is load in CodeIgniter?

Loader, as the name suggests, is used to load elements. These elements can be libraries (classes) View files, Drivers, Helpers, Models, or your own files. Note. This class is initialized automatically by the system so there is no need to do it manually.

1 Answers

A library is not necessarily a part of the way CodeIgniter works.

It could be a homemade library, to solve a task that you want done in your CI application.

This means that if you want to use any of CI's helpers, models or other libraries, you need to do this through the CI instance. This is achieved by doing this:

public function __construct()
    $this->CI =& get_instance();

By assigning the instance to your librarys member named CI, all CI related helpers, models and libraries can be loaded through $this->CI. By trying to do it only with $this you are only referring to the current library - not the CI instance.

To load your model correctly, in your library, $this->CI->load->model('model_name'); is enough. The second parameter allows you to access your model through a different object name. The third parameter is not necessary for loading models, but allows you to autoload the database driver.

If you want to access your model through the same member:

$respone = $this->CI->model_name->method();
like image 179
Repox Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
