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Codeigniter 3 autoload controller

I'm using REST Server in codeigniter, and the way to use is that then in my app in all my controllers I must write this line on start:

require APPPATH . '/libraries/REST_Controller.php';

Does anyone know how to autoload this REST_Controller and to avoid this line in all my controllers? I don't want to use require.

Thank in advance

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Sasa Avatar asked Aug 10 '16 07:08


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1 Answers

You can achieve this through Codeigniter's autoload configuration.

Edit your project's autoload.php which is located in directory YourProject/application/config/

$autoload['libraries'] = array('REST_Controller');

And in controllers access this library class through $this->rest_controller.

BTW: Rest_Controllers is a library file, so I don't think a name suffixed with Controller is a good name for it.


Through your comment I got that you actually mean all of your controllers extended from REST_Controller, and you don't want require it at the top of every controller file.


  1. Move REST_Controller.php into directory YourProject/application/core/.
  2. In YourProject/application/config/config.php line 119 change $config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_'; to $config['subclass_prefix'] = 'REST_';

then Codeigniter will load REST_Controller automatically.

But the subclass_prefix config has a global effect, and you need change the location of REST_Conttoller.php, so to make minimal change I think the best way is you create MY_Controller class in directory ./application/core/ and require REST_Controller at bottom of this new file. When CI load MY_controller automatically REST_Controller will be required too.

Notice: MY_Controller need extending from CI_Controller

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Kevin Yan Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10

Kevin Yan