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Codeginter $this->db->where() function concating "IS NULL" in query automatically when using find_in_set() function

I am writing a query in codeigniter with FIND_IN_SET() function.

    $query_res= $this->db->get("employer_posted_jobs");
   echo $this->db->last_query(); exit;

It is yielding

FROM (`employer_posted_jobs`) 
WHERE (FIND_IN_SET('Delhi',employer_job_location)) IS NULL

In above query "IS NULL" is extra and it is very annoying. Can anyone tell why this is coming with the query? Thank you..

like image 238
Aabshar Pasha Avatar asked Jul 07 '13 11:07

Aabshar Pasha

1 Answers

You must always check the results from the FIND_IN_SET() function somehow to make it work, try this:

$this->db->where("FIND_IN_SET('$value',employer_job_location) !=", 0);
like image 85
Michael Krikorev Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10

Michael Krikorev