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Code refactoring: from $ to [[


I have a lot of code which uses the $ operator rather than [[. I've read about many advantages of [[ and would like to refactor all of the code.

Would there be any problems with the following method? And how could I best do the search and replace with RStudio or TextWrangler on a Mac?

l <- list()
l$`__a` <- data.frame(`__ID` = stringi::stri_rand_strings(10, 1), col = stringi::stri_rand_strings(10, 1), check.names = F )

The code looks like this now:


And I would like to refactor it to:


To achieve this, are the following replacements sufficient?

$` to [["

` to "]]

I've found one area in my code where this method would not work, and now I've also found a workaround for how to avoid the issue: Avoiding backtick characters with dplyr

df <- dat[["__Table"]] %>% select(`__ID` ) %>% mutate(fk_table = "__Table", val = 1)

Before doing the replacements above, I would need to change the select function to this to avoid making false replacements of the backtick character:


Unfortunately, the __ in column names cannot be avoided since the data is downloaded from a relational database (FileMaker) and needs to be written back to the database while preserving the column names.

References about [[:

  • Code autocompletion with lists in RStudio
  • Is it possible to index an R list using a character variable and the '$' operator?
  • The difference between [] and [[]] notations for accessing the elements of a list or dataframe

References about refactoring in R:

  • R language aware code reformatting/refactoring tools?
  • Tips for refactoring repetitive code in R
like image 902
Bobby Avatar asked Oct 20 '16 10:10


1 Answers

You could try:

v <- c("l$`__a`$`__ID`")

stri_replace_all_fixed(v, c('$`', '`'), c('[["', '"]]'), vectorize_all = FALSE)

Which gives:

#[1] "l[[\"__a\"]][[\"__ID\"]]"

Note: You see the \" in the output because print() escapes the quotes when diplaying them. You can wrap the above in noquote() to see the output without the \"

  stri_replace_all_fixed(v, c('$`', '`'), c('[["', '"]]'), vectorize_all = FALSE)

Which gives:

#[1] l[["__a"]][["__ID"]]

Should you want to apply this on an entire file, you could try:

                                  c('$`', '`'), c('[["', '"]]'), vectorize_all = FALSE),
like image 191
Steven Beaupré Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Steven Beaupré