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Code Object o = true ? new Integer(0) : new Long(1) returns Long with value 0. Why? [duplicate]



Please consider we have code below:

Object obj = true ? new Integer(0) : new Long(1);
System.out.println(obj.getClass() + "\nvalue = " + obj);

And its result is:

class java.lang.Long
value = 0

Instead of:

class java.lang.Integer
value = 0

Could someone clarify why we have such functionality in Java? It is very strange for me. Do you have any example where this can be useful?

UPDATE: Here is piece of bytecode, where we can see, whats going on there

NEW java/lang/Integer
LDC "0"
INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/Integer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Integer.intValue ()I
INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Long.valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long;
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arsen_adzhiametov Avatar asked Nov 28 '16 13:11


1 Answers

What's going on here is the result of

  • Binary numeric promotion turning your Integer and Long types into long for use as the common type to apply to the conditional operator expression
  • Unboxing those wrapper objects
  • And then boxing the resulting value of the conditional expression

The conditional operator's second and third operands must end up having the same type, which is the resulting type of the expression. Integer and Long are not, of course, the same type.

However, as described in JLS§15.25, the compiler will apply binary numeric promotion when determining the possible common type to apply to the expression. That section has the handy Table 15.25-D which tells us that when the second operand is of type Integer and the third operand is of type Long, the compiler will do binary numeric promotion on Integer,Long. Binary numeric promotion on Integer,Long yields long. So the result of the conditional operator expression is long.

Since the expression's result type is long, the Integer or Long will have to be unboxed (and then cast, in the case of Integer).

Finally, you assign it to an Object, which forces boxing, and wraps the long in a Long. Thus, you end up with a Long containing the value 0, which matches your output.

So effectively, if we ignore the fact the compiler will optimize half of the following away since it's dealing with a constant expression thanks to the true in the code (I've used flag below instead), that code ends up being this:

Object obj = Long.valueOf(flag ? (long)(new Integer(0)).intValue() : (new Long(1)).longValue());
System.out.println(obj.getClass() + "\nvalue = " + obj);
  • The (long)(new Integer(0)).intValue() represents unboxing the Integer and casting it to long so it matches the expression result type.
  • The (new Long(1)).longValue() represents unboxing the Long so it matches the expresion result type.
  • And the Long.valueOf represents the boxing at the end.
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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

T.J. Crowder