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Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android

I created code for download video from Youtube, but this code doesn't work with Wi-fi connection and work with mobile connection. Where did I have mistake?

import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector;  import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ProgressDialog; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.MediaController; import android.widget.VideoView;  public class MyActivity extends Activity {      private class ReceivingDataFromYoutube extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> {          private ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(MyActivity.this);         private String result;          protected void onPreExecute() {             dialog.setMessage("Downloading...");             dialog.show();         }          @Override         protected Void doInBackground(String... arg0) {             int begin, end;             String tmpstr = null;             try {                 URL url=new URL("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y12-1miZHLs&nomobile=1");                 HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();                 con.setRequestMethod("GET");                 InputStream stream=con.getInputStream();                 InputStreamReader reader=new InputStreamReader(stream);                 StringBuffer buffer=new StringBuffer();                 char[] buf=new char[262144];                                 int chars_read;                 while ((chars_read = reader.read(buf, 0, 262144)) != -1) {                     buffer.append(buf, 0, chars_read);                 }                 tmpstr=buffer.toString();                  begin  = tmpstr.indexOf("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=");                 end = tmpstr.indexOf("&", begin + 27);                 if (end == -1) {                     end = tmpstr.indexOf("\"", begin + 27);                 }                 tmpstr = UtilClass.URLDecode(tmpstr.substring(begin + 27, end));              } catch (MalformedURLException e) {                 throw new RuntimeException();             } catch (IOException e) {                 throw new RuntimeException();             }              Vector url_encoded_fmt_stream_map = new Vector();             begin = 0;             end   = tmpstr.indexOf(",");              while (end != -1) {                 url_encoded_fmt_stream_map.addElement(tmpstr.substring(begin, end));                 begin = end + 1;                 end   = tmpstr.indexOf(",", begin);             }              url_encoded_fmt_stream_map.addElement(tmpstr.substring(begin, tmpstr.length()));             String result = "";             Enumeration url_encoded_fmt_stream_map_enum = url_encoded_fmt_stream_map.elements();             while (url_encoded_fmt_stream_map_enum.hasMoreElements()) {                 tmpstr = (String)url_encoded_fmt_stream_map_enum.nextElement();                 begin = tmpstr.indexOf("itag=");                 if (begin != -1) {                     end = tmpstr.indexOf("&", begin + 5);                      if (end == -1) {                           end = tmpstr.length();                     }                      int fmt = Integer.parseInt(tmpstr.substring(begin + 5, end));                      if (fmt == 35) {                         begin = tmpstr.indexOf("url=");                         if (begin != -1) {                             end = tmpstr.indexOf("&", begin + 4);                             if (end == -1) {                                end = tmpstr.length();                             }                             result = UtilClass.URLDecode(tmpstr.substring(begin + 4, end));                             this.result=result;                             break;                         }                     }                 }             }                      try {               URL u = new URL(result);               HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();               c.setRequestMethod("GET"); /*              c.setRequestProperty("Youtubedl-no-compression", "True");               c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "YouTube");*/                c.setDoOutput(true);               c.connect();                FileOutputStream f=new FileOutputStream(new File("/sdcard/3.flv"));                InputStream in=c.getInputStream();               byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];               int sz = 0;               while ( (sz = in.read(buffer)) > 0 ) {                    f.write(buffer,0, sz);               }               f.close();             } catch (MalformedURLException e) {                 new RuntimeException();             } catch (IOException e) {                 new RuntimeException();             }             return null;         }          protected void onPostExecute(Void unused) {             dialog.dismiss();         }          }       @Override     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);         setContentView(R.layout.main);          new ReceivingDataFromYoutube().execute();     }    }   
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malcoauri Avatar asked Aug 26 '11 09:08


People also ask

How can I download YouTube video with code?

Go to the video URL and add “ss” before the “youtube.com…” and click enter. You will be directed to another page where you will save the video. This page is the parent website of ssyoutube.com, known as savefrom.net. This page will display all the information regarding the YouTube video you want to download.

2 Answers

3 steps:

  1. Check the source code (HTML) of YouTube, you'll get the link like this http%253A%252F%252Fo-o.preferred.telemar-cnf1.v18.lscache6.c.youtube.com%252Fvideoplayback ...

  2. Decode the url (remove the codes %2B, %25, etc), create a decoder with the codes and use the function Uri.decode(url) to replace invalid escaped octets

  3. Use the code to download stream:

        URL u = null;         InputStream is = null;                    try {             u = new URL(url);             is = u.openStream();              HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection)u.openConnection(); //to know the size of video             int size = huc.getContentLength();                                if(huc != null) {                 String fileName = "FILE.mp4";                 String storagePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();                 File f = new File(storagePath,fileName);                                 FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);                 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];                 int len1 = 0;                 if(is != null) {                     while ((len1 = is.read(buffer)) > 0) {                         fos.write(buffer,0, len1);                       }                 }                 if(fos != null) {                     fos.close();                 }             }                                } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {             mue.printStackTrace();         } catch (IOException ioe) {             ioe.printStackTrace();         } finally {             try {                                if(is != null) {                     is.close();                 }             } catch (IOException ioe) {                 // just going to ignore this one             }         } 

That's all, most of stuff you'll find on the web!!!

like image 99
Silvio Guedes Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Silvio Guedes

METHOD 1 ( Recommanded )

Library YouTubeExtractor

Add into your gradle file

 allprojects {         repositories {             maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }         }     } 

And dependencies

 compile 'com.github.Commit451.YouTubeExtractor:youtubeextractor:2.1.0' 

Add this small code and you done. Demo HERE

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {      private static final String YOUTUBE_ID = "ea4-5mrpGfE";      private final YouTubeExtractor mExtractor = YouTubeExtractor.create();       private Callback<YouTubeExtractionResult> mExtractionCallback = new Callback<YouTubeExtractionResult>() {         @Override         public void onResponse(Call<YouTubeExtractionResult> call, Response<YouTubeExtractionResult> response) {             bindVideoResult(response.body());         }          @Override         public void onFailure(Call<YouTubeExtractionResult> call, Throwable t) {             onError(t);         }     };       @Override     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);         setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);   //        For android youtube extractor library  com.github.Commit451.YouTubeExtractor:youtubeextractor:2.1.0'         mExtractor.extract(YOUTUBE_ID).enqueue(mExtractionCallback);      }       private void onError(Throwable t) {         t.printStackTrace();         Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "It failed to extract. So sad", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();     }       private void bindVideoResult(YouTubeExtractionResult result) {  //        Here you can get download url link         Log.d("OnSuccess", "Got a result with the best url: " + result.getBestAvailableQualityVideoUri());          Toast.makeText(this, "result : " + result.getSd360VideoUri(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();     } } 

You can get download link in bindVideoResult() method.


Using this library android-youtubeExtractor

Add into gradle file

repositories {     maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } }  compile 'com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT' 

Here is the code for getting download url.

       String youtubeLink = "http://youtube.com/watch?v=xxxx";      YouTubeUriExtractor ytEx = new YouTubeUriExtractor(this) {         @Override         public void onUrisAvailable(String videoId, String videoTitle, SparseArray<YtFile> ytFiles) {             if (ytFiles != null) {                 int itag = 22; // Here you can get download url                 String downloadUrl = ytFiles.get(itag).getUrl();             }         }     };      ytEx.execute(youtubeLink); 
like image 23
Arpit Patel Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Arpit Patel