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Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer?

People also ask

How do you make a 10 second timer in JavaScript?

To create a simple 10 second countdown with JavaScript, we use the setInterval method. to add a progress element. let timeleft = 10; const downloadTimer = setInterval(() => { if (timeleft <= 0) { clearInterval(downloadTimer); } document.

Is there a timer in JavaScript?

There are two timer functions in JavaScript: setTimeout() and setInterval() . The following section will show you how to create timers to delay code execution as well as how to perform one or more actions repeatedly using these functions in JavaScript.

var count=30;

var counter=setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will  run it every 1 second

function timer()
  if (count <= 0)
     //counter ended, do something here

  //Do code for showing the number of seconds here

To make the code for the timer appear in a paragraph (or anywhere else on the page), just put the line:

<span id="timer"></span>

where you want the seconds to appear. Then insert the following line in your timer() function, so it looks like this:

function timer()
  if (count <= 0)

 document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML=count + " secs"; // watch for spelling

I wrote this script some time ago:


var myCounter = new Countdown({  
    seconds:5,  // number of seconds to count down
    onUpdateStatus: function(sec){console.log(sec);}, // callback for each second
    onCounterEnd: function(){ alert('counter ended!');} // final action


function Countdown(options) {
  var timer,
  instance = this,
  seconds = options.seconds || 10,
  updateStatus = options.onUpdateStatus || function () {},
  counterEnd = options.onCounterEnd || function () {};

  function decrementCounter() {
    if (seconds === 0) {

  this.start = function () {
    timer = 0;
    seconds = options.seconds;
    timer = setInterval(decrementCounter, 1000);

  this.stop = function () {

So far the answers seem to rely on code being run instantly. If you set a timer for 1000ms, it will actually be around 1008 instead.

Here is how you should do it:

function timer(time,update,complete) {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    var interval = setInterval(function() {
        var now = time-(new Date().getTime()-start);
        if( now <= 0) {
        else update(Math.floor(now/1000));
    },100); // the smaller this number, the more accurate the timer will be

To use, call:

    5000, // milliseconds
    function(timeleft) { // called every step to update the visible countdown
        document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = timeleft+" second(s)";
    function() { // what to do after
        alert("Timer complete!");

Here is another one if anyone needs one for minutes and seconds:

    var mins = 10;  //Set the number of minutes you need
    var secs = mins * 60;
    var currentSeconds = 0;
    var currentMinutes = 0;
     * The following line has been commented out due to a suggestion left in the comments. The line below it has not been tested. 
     * setTimeout('Decrement()',1000);

    function Decrement() {
        currentMinutes = Math.floor(secs / 60);
        currentSeconds = secs % 60;
        if(currentSeconds <= 9) currentSeconds = "0" + currentSeconds;
        document.getElementById("timerText").innerHTML = currentMinutes + ":" + currentSeconds; //Set the element id you need the time put into.
        if(secs !== -1) setTimeout('Decrement()',1000);

// Javascript Countdown
// Version 1.01 6/7/07 (1/20/2000)
// by TDavid at http://www.tdscripts.com/
var now = new Date();
var theevent = new Date("Sep 29 2007 00:00:01");
var seconds = (theevent - now) / 1000;
var minutes = seconds / 60;
var hours = minutes / 60;
var days = hours / 24;
ID = window.setTimeout("update();", 1000);

function update() {
  now = new Date();
  seconds = (theevent - now) / 1000;
  seconds = Math.round(seconds);
  minutes = seconds / 60;
  minutes = Math.round(minutes);
  hours = minutes / 60;
  hours = Math.round(hours);
  days = hours / 24;
  days = Math.round(days);
  document.form1.days.value = days;
  document.form1.hours.value = hours;
  document.form1.minutes.value = minutes;
  document.form1.seconds.value = seconds;
  ID = window.setTimeout("update();", 1000);
<p><font face="Arial" size="3">Countdown To January 31, 2000, at 12:00: </font>
<form name="form1">
    <input type="text" name="days" value="0" size="3">Hours
    <input type="text" name="hours" value="0" size="4">Minutes
    <input type="text" name="minutes" value="0" size="7">Seconds
    <input type="text" name="seconds" value="0" size="7">