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Code Completion for private/protected member variables when using magic __get()

How do I setup code completion to work on Zend Studio (or any Eclipse based IDE) when working with a class that has private or protected member variables WITHOUT resorting to a bunch of Getter's OR setting the member vars as public.

For example:

class Dog {

    protected $bark = 'woof!';

    public function __get($key) {
        if (isset($this->$key)) {
            return $this->$key;


$Dog = new Dog();
echo $Dog->bark; // <-- I want the IDE to "know" that bark is a property of Dog.
like image 722
jlee Avatar asked Sep 28 '10 16:09


People also ask

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Why we use magic methods in PHP?

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__set : __set is called when object of our class attempts to set value of the property which is really inaccessible or unavailable in our class.

1 Answers

Code Completion for Magic Methods can be achieved by using the @property and @method annotation in the DocBlock of the class (not in the Method Docs).

 * @property string bark
class Dog {
    /* ... */

$Dog = new Dog();
echo $Dog-> // will autocomplete now

Note that there is no correlation between the actual code and the annotation. Zend Studio will show whatever you set for @property, regardless of this property existing. It will also not check if there actually is a magic method available.

Code Completion in Zend Studio with @property annotation

like image 184
Gordon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
