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CocoaPods setup too slow, how to set proxy in terminal

When I use terminal to 'setup' or 'update' cocoapods, I find it needs a lot of time to fetching.

So I'm wondering whether there is a way to set a proxy to my terminal, so that it return result more fast?

like image 669
folse Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 07:02


2 Answers

Choice 1

Step 1:

From Google choose a proxy

Step 2:

Set up the proxy to your Mac

Step 3:

In your terminal set proxy with your port:

export http_proxy='http://your_proxy:8000'

Choice 2

pod repo remove master
pod repo add master https://gitcafe.com/lloydsheng/Specs.git
pod repo update

Choice 3 Recommend

pod install --verbose --no-repo-update
like image 166
folse Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10


In my case, I found that it was stuck at "analyzing dependencies" because of an error on my Podfile.

Try this:

pod install --verbose
like image 43
kgpdeveloper Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10
