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Cocoapods points to wrong version

I had some problems with one version of the project. I've found this answer where someone suggest steps to remove all cocoapods-connected stuff from the machine and reinstall it. I did follow the steps:

$ 'pod --version'

$ gem list --local | grep cocoapods
cocoapods (0.39.0.rc.1, 0.38.2, 0.38.1, 0.37.2)
cocoapods-core (0.39.0.rc.1, 0.38.2, 0.38.1, 0.37.2)
cocoapods-downloader (0.9.3, 0.9.1)
cocoapods-plugins (0.4.2)
cocoapods-search (0.1.0)
cocoapods-stats (0.6.2, 0.5.3)
cocoapods-trunk (0.6.4, 0.6.1)
cocoapods-try (0.5.1, 0.4.5)

$ gem uninstall cocoapods // and all others from the list above

The problem is that when i again grep all cocoapods, the list was equal to upper one, nothing disappeared.

$ sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
Select gem to uninstall:
 1. cocoapods-0.37.2
 2. cocoapods-0.38.1
 3. cocoapods-0.38.2
 4. cocoapods-0.39.0.rc.1
 5. All versions
> 5

$ pod --version
// here was the error command not found, so everything fine

$ sudo gem install cocoapods
Fetching: cocoapods-0.38.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed cocoapods-0.38.2
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-0.38.2
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-0.38.2
Done installing documentation for cocoapods after 2 seconds
1 gem installed

$ pod --version
Could not find proper version of cocoapods (0.36.1) in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

But why does it want me to install 0.36.1? Anyway, as it asked, I did:

$bundle install
Installing cocoapods-core 0.36.1
Installing cocoapods-downloader 0.8.1
Installing cocoapods-plugins 0.4.1
Installing cocoapods-trunk 0.6.0
Installing cocoapods-try 0.4.3
Installing cocoapods 0.36.1
// Many "using" dependencies

So now when I run:

$ pod --version

And I'm stuck :) Why can't I have newest release version? Maybe pod --version points to the newest version of cocoapods-core instead of only cocoapods, so everything is ok and I have the correct version?

like image 439
Nat Avatar asked Oct 06 '15 08:10


3 Answers

  • Check if you use Gemfile and there is specified the version of cocoapods.
  • You can use specific version by pod *version* action. For example: pod _1.5.0.beta.1_ update or pod _1.5.0.beta.1_ install
like image 97
Nik Kov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Nik Kov

It seems something got messed up in my ruby version. I still have no idea what and why. I've managed to fix it via this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25021772/849616. After it everything works correctly.

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Nat Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


For anyone coming to this in an attempt to update cocoapods. After doing all of the above I wasn't able to get this resolved. I then headed to the resolved answer and being unwilling to remove RVM, I tried to resolve this issue another way.

I found that my issue did indeed lie in my Gemfile.

First, run gem install cocoapods to ensure you have the latest version, or whatever specified version you were looking for downloaded.

Second, ensure your projects Gemfile hasn't specified a cocoapods version number and instead simply specifies it as: gem "cocoapods" If yours doesn't, change this and run bundle update to regenerate the Gemfile.lock file and your problem should be solved. If not, go ahead and delete the Gemfile.lock file altogether and then run bundle update. You can easily check to see which gem version will be loaded by opening the Gemfile.lock file and searching for cocoapods-core <version number here>

At this point, you can go into your project and run pod setup and then check the cocoapods version with pod --version

and now FINALLY you are free to run pod install to replace the Podfile.lock file and get back to your happy dev life. Hope that helps someone and saves them from burning hours.

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Syreinrage Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
