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CocoaPods Installation Failure (Unable to resolve dependencies)

I have a problem while installing CocoaPods on MacOS X 10.3. The first try fails with a DependencyError for nap. I install nap and try again with the same result. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't help.

andreass-mbp:~ AndreasB$ sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
andreass-mbp:~ AndreasB$ sudo gem uninstall nap
Successfully uninstalled nap-1.0.0
andreass-mbp:~ AndreasB$ sudo gem install nap
Fetching: nap-1.0.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed nap-1.0.0
Parsing documentation for nap-1.0.0
Installing ri documentation for nap-1.0.0
1 gem installed
andreass-mbp:~ AndreasB$ sudo gem install cocoapods
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError)
Unable to resolve dependencies: cocoapods requires nap (~> 0.8); cocoapods-stats requires nap (~> 0.8); cocoapods-core requires nap (~> 0.8.0)
like image 507
Walter White Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 04:02

Walter White

1 Answers

Try installing the pre-release version:

 sudo gem install cocoapods --pre 
like image 177
Raphael Avatar answered May 01 '23 16:05
