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Cobertura exclude vs ignore



I see that in the cobertura-maven-plugin, I can configure my instrumentation with both excludes and ignores. What is the difference between these two?

like image 893
Mark Avatar asked Sep 17 '14 21:09


1 Answers

Really sorry, but parroting the horrible documentation is not helpful. You quoted:

You can tell Cobertura to ignore certain classes by passing in "ignore" regular expressions. The ignore pattern can be any valid perl 5 regular expression. This will ignore any calls to any method that matches the ignore regular expression. It will NOT skip over these classes during instrumention. To exclude classes from being instrumented, either exclude them from your fileset or use the alternative method below and specify an excludeClasses pattern.

This inconsistent paragraph starts by stating "...to ignore certain classes by passing in 'ignore' regular expressions.", then a second sentence later, "This will ignore any calls to any method that matches the ignore regular expression."

Well, so which is it? Does "ignore" ignore classes or methods? The command-line reference seems to imply ignore is ignoring a line of code based on RegEx matching (I wish that was true):

None of these interpretations works for <ignore> in the maven plugin.

Experimentally I have found that <exclude> is the way to exclude at the class-level. I have not found a way to exclude at a granularity less then class. However, what they also don't tell you is that <exclude> expects a relative filesystem path, not a Java package.class expression, which means <exclude> expects e.g. one/two/three/Myclass.class, rather then "one.two.three.Myclass".

like image 66
Chris Wolf Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 06:11

Chris Wolf