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C#/.NET MIDI sequencer: Parse MIDI file and generate timed Note-On messages [closed]

I need to parse a MIDI file and generate note-on messages at the right moments.

I'm currently using a port of http://csharpsynthproject.codeplex.com/ (this is the port here)

The problem with this port is that the sequencer and the synth are so heavily wrapped up in one another that it is a major headache to try to separate them.

Hence I am looking for an alternative approach.


like image 276
P i Avatar asked Oct 26 '13 23:10

P i

1 Answers

There is MIDI.NET that has Midi File reading and writing support but no sequencer build in.

There is also the C# Midi Toolkit that can also read midi files and does come with a sequencer.

full disclosure: I am the author of MIDI.NET

like image 136
obiwanjacobi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
