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CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo with iOS 13


Apple changed some things regarding WiFi with iOS 13. If you want to use CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo your app needs to have one of the following

  • Apps with permission to access location
  • Your app is the currently enabled VPN app
  • Your app configured the WiFi network the device is currently using via NEHotspotConfiguration

Source: WWDC 19 session 713

I am configuring a network using NEHotspotConfiguration but I can not get the current SSID anymore after doing so.

The following code worked fine with iOS 12:

/// retrieve the current SSID from a connected Wifi network   private func retrieveCurrentSSID() -> String? {       let interfaces = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() as? [String]       let interface = interfaces?           .compactMap { [weak self] in self?.retrieveInterfaceInfo(from: $0) }           .first        return interface   }    /// Retrieve information about a specific network interface   private func retrieveInterfaceInfo(from interface: String) -> String? {       guard let interfaceInfo = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(interface as CFString) as? [String: AnyObject],           let ssid = interfaceInfo[kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID as String] as? String           else {               return nil       }       return ssid   }  

With iOS 13 CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo always returns nil.

My app has the Access WiFi Information Capability set.

Thanks for your help!

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MikeB Avatar asked Jun 13 '19 15:06


People also ask

How do you use NEHotspotConfiguration?

The class you'll need to use is called NEHotspotConfiguration . To use it, you need to enable the Hotspot capability in your App Capabilities (Adding Capabilities). Quick working example : NEHotspotConfiguration *configuration = [[NEHotspotConfiguration alloc] initWithSSID:@“SSID-Name”]; configuration.

2 Answers

As I said on the Apple Developer Forums use of CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo is now limited.

Check out WWDC 19 session 713, Advances in Networking, Part 2 (maybe 75% of the way through the presentation). CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo is now only available to your app in three cases:

  • Apps with permission to access location
  • Your app is the currently enabled VPN app
  • Your app configured the WiFi network the device is currently using via NEHotspotConfiguration

If you don't meet at least one of these conditions CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo will always return nil in iOS 13.

UPDATE: As of iOS 13 Developer Beta 6, Apple has finally updated the documentation to note the changes.

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Robbie Trencheny Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10

Robbie Trencheny

I have a similar issue in my app. I have submitted a feedback form to Apple and got a response stating:

Potential fix identified - For a future OS update

So hopefully, this will be resolved before the final release (not in iOS 13 Beta 4 though).

For a workaround, you can set joinOnce = false in your NEHotspotConfiguration. In my app, it allowed me to access CNCopySupportedInterfaces, but required me to remove configuration every time my app was closed.

Hope it helps!


It seems that in iOS 13 beta 5 issue no longer persists. In my application, I can access CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo again (thus confirming the Wi-Fi has been connected), no matter if NEHotspotConfiguration.joinOnce flag is set to true or false.

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Mateusz Chechliński Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10

Mateusz Chechliński