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CMS + Java Application Server Integration Architecture

Has anyone integrated a Java application server (e.g. JBoss) with one of the following CMSs (Content Management Systems)?

  1. SDL Tridion
  2. Sitecore
  3. Drupal

I'm looking for one of the above CMSs to create/manange a corporate website which consists mostly of static content coming from the CMS, but also includes integration points into java web applications, which may also in turn use content from the CMS. (There is a requirement to use one of the above CMSs.)

What CMS and Java web application server architecture have you successfully used in your engagements and corporate web sites to provide seemless integration of CMS site content with Java web applications?

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webappguy Avatar asked Mar 24 '11 18:03


2 Answers

I've set up Tridion with JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic, IIS, and probably a few more. Plenty of websites out there using Tridion & other technologies/applications (airline sites are always a good reference when it comes to integrating with other apps, and quite a few airlines use Tridion).

Any specific question on integration?

Ooops, just noticed this is a pretty old question, hope my answer is still of any use...

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Nuno Linhares Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Nuno Linhares

We integrated Drupal E-Commerce with Navision, having Java in between to do the glue stuff.

Put simply, try to exchange data in XML. XML has good support in PHP and Java. If online processing is required use REST or SOAP. If not, things can be simplified by exchanging XML files via FTP.

If you want to provide node data from Drupal to Java (or any other system), generating RSS feeds can be done even without coding by help of the views module.

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BetaRide Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
