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Clustered bar plot in gnuplot


I have a simple result table which I want to plot as a clustered histogram plot in gnuplot. The data set has the category of content type of a webpage and the corresponding percentage share in two columns. I have this for two browsers. For example,

For IE,     Content      Share     Video         30%     Audio         10%     Flash         25%     HTML          20%     Javascript    15%     For Chrome,     Content      Share     Video         20%     Audio         5%     Flash         35%     HTML          30%     Javascript    10% 

Now I want to plot these two data together with the Content Type in the x-axis and the corresponding share on the y-axis with legends. How do I do this?

like image 739
sfactor Avatar asked Feb 26 '11 23:02


1 Answers

If you turn your data into a table, this becomes relatively easy.

info.dat should contain:

Broswer Video   Audio   Flash   HTML    JavaScript IE      30%     10%     25%     20%     15% Chrome  20%     5%      35%     30%     10% 

Then use something like:

set terminal pdf enhanced set output 'bar.pdf'  set style data histogram set style histogram cluster gap 1  set style fill solid border rgb "black" set auto x set yrange [0:*] plot 'info.dat' using 2:xtic(1) title col, \         '' using 3:xtic(1) title col, \         '' using 4:xtic(1) title col, \         '' using 5:xtic(1) title col, \         '' using 6:xtic(1) title col 

To create your plot. Here's one I made earlier: Clustered bar graph

like image 182
Matt Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11
