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Cloudwatch logs on terminal

I am using AWS Lambda for my application. For logs, I have to see in UI only, which I really don't like to see. Is there a way that I could connect to Cloudwatch logs locally and then see the logs by the tail command? Or if I could access Cloudwatch server to see logs? Basically, I wanted to see logs on my terminal. If there is any way to do that, please let me know.

Thanks for your help.

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hatellla Avatar asked Feb 05 '23 06:02


1 Answers

You can use AWS CLI to get your logs in real time. See: get-log-events

AWS doesn't provide a functionality where you can tail the log. There are few 3rd party tools you can use. I have used jorgebastida/awslogs which was sufficient for my needs.

Update 02/25/2021: Thanks to @adavea, I just checked and found AWS has added a new feature to tail the CW logs.


--follow (boolean) Whether to continuously poll for new logs.

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helloV Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 21:02
