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CloudWatch Events rule Limits

what is the maximum number of rules for cloud watch I can create on my AWS account. I might have a lot of different rules that will invoke lambda function on schedule. Is it unlimited?

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johnny Avatar asked Mar 07 '16 18:03


2 Answers

The basic limits are documented at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/DeveloperGuide/cloudwatch_limits.html - currently 50 rules per account.

If you need more, reach out through your AWS contact and these can be expanded.

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Tim Bray Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Tim Bray

This is no longer 50 and has been increased to 100 per region per account.

As per this link:


And as mentioned by johnny: this can be increased further on request (if amazon approves the request).

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Steven de Salas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Steven de Salas