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CloudFront-served CSS files not rendered

This is an odd issue, but I assume I've done something boneheaded somewhere along the line to end up with this current situation.

When trying to serve static files (images, css & js) from CloudFront, they don't seem to be rendering properly. For example, one of my stylesheets is available here: http://d21uvxjmc903qz.cloudfront.net/stylesheets/hf.4fabc9c719f8.css, but it doesn't seem to be "applied" to the DOM as I would expect. (For example, looking in developer tools in Chrome or Firefox in Firebug the relevant styles aren't applied to the <header> element.

Looking at the response headers, it looks like the Content-Type is set properly, so I'm pretty much out of ideas.

Any suggestions on where to look next?

like image 893
philipk Avatar asked Oct 03 '11 19:10


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2 Answers

The problem is likely the wrong content-type in the S3 bucket. I had the same trouble, and changing the content-type fixed the issue. I changed the below from text/plain to text/css and then the styles rendered correctly.

enter image description here

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TimDog Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11


For me the link couldn't be http but had to be https://.. It worked for me when i modified this

<link rel="stylesheet" href="w3.css">

in the html file to this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/yourFolder/w3.css">

hope that helps.

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pascati Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 17:11
