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Cloudflare - Ineligible for SSL



I can not use ssl on cloudflare!

on Crypto tab, show Ineligible for SSL but my site is on cloudflare and is active.

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mghhgm Avatar asked Sep 06 '15 11:09


People also ask

Why is my Cloudflare SSL not working?

You need to change SSL Support for your website from 'Flexible' to 'Strict'. In this way, after Cloudflare receive secure requests for your site, they will use another secure request over HTTPS to fetch it from its host server. You can also read more about the different Cloudflare SSL Support options here.

How do I enable SSL in Cloudflare?

In the “Overview” tab, select the SSL/TLS full encryption mode option. That way, your site is protected by using a self-signed certificate to connect to the the server. Scroll down to activate the “Always use HTTPS” button. Click “Finish” to finish the process.

Do I need an SSL certificate if I use Cloudflare?

Using Cloudflare without an SSL certificate Connections between Cloudflare and your web site, however, are not encrypted. To secure the entire connection, you must install an SSL certificate on your server.

How long does it take for SSL to take effect Cloudflare?

It may take up to 24 hours for the certificate to be fully set up. Until Cloudflare finishes setting up the certificate for your site, you will see SSL warnings when visiting your site using HTTPS. Once the certificate is set up (which should be within 24 hours), the warnings should go away.

2 Answers

There's certain tlds and words Comodo won't sign for them. I wonder when they'll switch to letsencrypt.

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MrPHP Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10


As someone has mentioned already this can partially be due to some TLDs not being supported by CloudFlare (perhaps as they cannot find certificate authorities to sign them). One example of this is .ir.

One other reason for this is that you could have your domain set-up via a CNAME record, this is if your hosting provider is a CloudFlare Partner and they have set-up CloudFlare for you. In order to overcome this you need to upgrade to a pro account before you can use SSL.

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mjsa Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
