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Closing JAX-RS StreamingOutput's OutputStream

Should the StreamingOutput's OutputStream be closed by the implementing class?

The java-doc does not give any recommendations. I guess it just delegates to the underlying ServletOutputStream which means it should not be closed, but my guess might be wrong :) Also the javadoc makes a reference to the MessageBodyWriter interface where it's explicitly said that the output stream must not be closed.


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Svetlin Zarev Avatar asked Sep 19 '16 12:09

Svetlin Zarev

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1 Answers

Being unable to find a definitive answer I took a look at jersey's source being the reference implementation. In Jersey the StreamingOutput is processed by a MessageBodyWriter by simply calling streamingOutput.write(os) [1] where os is the OutputStream passed to the MessageBodyWriter. That's good because its javadoc is quite clear that this OutputStream must not be closed.

To summarize: The OutputStream passed to the StreamingOutput must not be closed.

[1] https://github.com/jersey/jersey/blob/master/core-common/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jersey/message/internal/StreamingOutputProvider.java

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Svetlin Zarev Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

Svetlin Zarev