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Closing a Stage from within its controller

I need a way to close a Stage from within itself by clicking a Button.

I have a main class from which I create the main stage with a scene. I use FXML for that.

public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Builder.fxml"));
    stage.setTitle("Ring of Power - Builder");
    stage.setScene(new Scene(root));

Now in the main window that appears I have all the control items and menus and stuff, made through FXML and appropriate control class. That's the part where I decided to include the About info in the Help menu. So I have an event going on when the menu Help - About is activated, like this:

private void menuHelpAbout(ActionEvent event) throws IOException{
    Parent root2 = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("AboutBox.fxml"));
    Stage aboutBox=new Stage();
    aboutBox.setScene(new Scene(root2));
    aboutBox.setTitle("About Box");

As seen the About Box window is created via FXML with a controller. I want to add a Button to close the new stage from within the controller.

The only way I found myself to be able to do this, was to define a public static Stage aboutBox; inside the Builder.java class and reference to that one from within the AboutBox.java in method that handles the action event on the closing button. But somehow it doesn't feel exactly clean and right. Is there any better way?

like image 413
Meg Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 10:07


People also ask

How do you close a JavaFX stage?

Be default, to quit the program is to let the user click the standard window close button, typically represented by an X in the upper-right corner of the window's title bar.

What is primarystage in JavaFX?

The JavaFX Stage class is the top level JavaFX container. The primary Stage is constructed by the platform. Additional Stage objects may be constructed by the application. Stage objects must be constructed and modified on the JavaFX Application Thread.

How do I close all windows JavaFX?

Close a JavaFX application or window by calling the Platform. exit() method to properly close a JavaFX application or window. By performing this method, your entire JavaFX application will close. This means that all of your stages will be closed too.

2 Answers

You can derive the stage to be closed from the event passed to the event handler.

new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
  @Override public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    // take some action
    // close the dialog.
    Node  source = (Node)  actionEvent.getSource(); 
    Stage stage  = (Stage) source.getScene().getWindow();
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jewelsea Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10


In JavaFX 2.1, you have few choices. The way like in jewelsea's answer or the way what you have done already or modified version of it like

public class AboutBox extends Stage {

    public AboutBox() throws Exception {
        Button btn = new Button("Close");
        btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
            public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {

        // Load content via
        // EITHER

        Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("AboutPage.fxml"));
        setScene(new Scene(VBoxBuilder.create().children(root, btn).build()));

        // OR

        Scene aboutScene = new Scene(VBoxBuilder.create().children(new Text("About me"), btn).alignment(Pos.CENTER).padding(new Insets(10)).build());

        // If your about page is not so complex. no need FXML so its Controller class too.

with usage like

new AboutBox().show();

in menu item action event handler.

like image 42
Uluk Biy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10

Uluk Biy