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Close Jira issue via Git commit





Does anyone know if it's possible to change the status of a Jira issue using a Git commit? I am using Jira and Git with the Jira Git plugin and I know I can reference an issue by just adding the name in the commit but I thought a commit message like "ISSUE-1 #close" would set the status to closed. But this doesn't seem to work.

Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible to send commands via the commit message?

like image 859
Micky Avatar asked Apr 02 '12 16:04


People also ask

How do I close a Jira issue?

To close a request: From your service project, go to Queues. Select the request you want to resolve. Select the Status and transition it to Resolved.

How do I link a git commit to a Jira ticket?

Manually Link Git Commits to Jira Issues To manually associate a git commit to a Jira issue, access the Change commit issues feature from the following locations: Project page > Git Commits > click View Full Commit. Issue page > Git Commits tab > click View Full Commit.

How is a git commit associated with an issue in Jira?

The git commit will get associated with the Jira issue if the commit message includes the exact issue ID. The Git Integration for Jira app will automatically index new commits and associate the referenced issue. For better readability, place the issue key text at the start of the commit message.

How do I resolve a commit issue?

It is also possible to close several issues in the same commit: just repeat several time the pattern to close issues. For example, the following commit message: add new quick sort algorithm, fixes #4, resolve #6, closed #12 would close, the issues 4, 6 & 12 of the project on which the commit would occur.

1 Answers

If you have FishEye installed you can use smart commits to trigger various actions from a single commit.

like image 57
Francis Martens Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Francis Martens