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Cloneable throws CloneNotSupportedException

public class test implements Cloneable {
    public test clone() {
        return (test) super.clone();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new test().clone();

I get error: unreported exception CloneNotSupportedException when I try to compile this (at line 4, not the main). As far as I can tell, the entire purpose of implementing Cloneable is to get rid of the exception.

  • Is there a way to use super.clone() without throwing or catching the exception?
  • Does the interface actually do anything?
like image 922
Blrp Avatar asked Jan 29 '15 12:01


People also ask

How do I stop CloneNotSupportedException?

To avoid the CloneNotSupportedException , the Cloneable interface should be implemented by the class whose objects need to be cloned. This indicates to the Object. clone() method that it is legal to create a clone of that class and helps avoid the CloneNotSupportedException .

How are cloneable interface CloneNotSupportedException and clone () method are related?

A class must implement the Cloneable interface if we want to create the clone of the class object. The clone() method of the Object class is used to create the clone of the object. However, if the class doesn't support the cloneable interface, then the clone() method generates the CloneNotSupportedException.

What is the purpose of the cloneable interface?

Cloneable interface is implemented by a class to make Object. clone() method valid thereby making field-for-field copy. This interface allows the implementing class to have its objects to be cloned instead of using a new operator.

Are lists cloneable?

To clone a list, one can iterate through the original list and use the clone method to copy all the list elements and use the add method to append them to the list. Approach: Create a cloneable class, which has the clone method overridden. Create a list of the class objects from an array using the asList method.

2 Answers

Is there a way to use super.clone() without throwing or catching the exception?

No because Object#clone() (the method you are calling with super.clone()) declares it.

Does the interface actually do anything?

Yes, but very little: if you don't implement it, Object#clone() will actually throw the declared exception.

like image 174
Marko Topolnik Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Marko Topolnik

You need to handle CloneNotSupportedException exception, Class name should be start with capital letter.

Is there a way to use super.clone() without throwing or catching the exception?

If you don't want to handle exception inside clone method then use throws keyword it will propagate your exception to called method.

 public class Test implements Cloneable {
    public Test clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{
         return (Test) super.clone();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            new Test().clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {

Does the interface actually do anything?

public interface Cloneable

A class implements the Cloneable interface to indicate to the Object.clone() method that it is legal for that method to make a field-for-field copy of instances of that class. read more

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atish shimpi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09

atish shimpi