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Clojure iOS Development

You can run clojure on iOS by compiling clojure to scheme, https://github.com/takeoutweight/clojure-scheme

There's one more option (warning: haven't tried it yet):
This Leiningen plugin translates Java bytecode to native code for iOS. And there's even IDE that has it built-in:

I've just discovered las3r which is a Clojure port to the ActionScript (the language behind Flash) runtime. Since Flash/ActionScript can now develop for iOS (I'm in the process of writing a game right now. It's not wonderful, but it's quite usable), this may present a path to writing Clojure applications for iOS.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried this. I've just barely discovered las3r, haven't even downloaded it. and have no idea if it's good or terrible. I don't know how awful the speed will be. I know nothing.

Still - it's an intriguing idea, isn't it?

There is Re-Natal a simple command-line utility that automates most of the process of setting up a React Native app running on ClojureScript.