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Clojure: How To use-fixtures in Testing

I am writing some unit tests that interact with a database. For this reason it is useful to have a setup and a teardown method in my unit test to create and then drop the table. However there are no docs :O on the use-fixtures method.

Here is what i need to do:


I am not interested currently in running a setup and teardown before and after each test, but once before a group of tests and once after. How do you do this?

like image 778
David Williams Avatar asked May 03 '13 02:05

David Williams

People also ask

How do you use test fixtures?

Test fixtures can be set up three different ways: in-line, delegate, and implicit. In-line setup creates the test fixture in the same method as the rest of the test. While in-line setup is the simplest test fixture to create, it leads to duplication when multiple tests require the same initial data.

When might you see a fixture in a test suite?

Test Fixtures: Using the Same Data Configuration for Multiple Tests If you find yourself writing two or more tests that operate on similar data, you can use a test fixture. This allows you to reuse the same configuration of objects for several different tests.

How do you run a Clojure test?

Running Tests You can run tests by using the cljs. test/run-tests macro. This may be done in your REPL or at the end of your file. If you have many test namespaces it's idiomatic to create a test runner namespace which imports all of your test namespaces and then invokes run-tests .

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In software development, test fixtures (fixtures) is a term used to describe any test data that lives outside of that particular test, and is used to set the application to a known fixed state.

1 Answers

You can't use use-fixtures to provide setup and teardown code for freely defined groups of tests, but you can use :once to provide setup and teardown code for each namespace:

;; my/test/config.clj
(ns my.test.config)

(defn wrap-setup
  (println "wrapping setup")
  ;; note that you generally want to run teardown-tests in a try ...
  ;; finally construct, but this is just an example

;; my/package_test.clj
(ns my.package-test
  (:use clojure.test

(use-fixtures :once wrap-setup) ; wrap-setup around the whole namespace of tests. 
                                ; use :each to wrap around each individual test 
                                ; in this package.

(testing ... )

This approach forces some coupling between setup and teardown code and the packages the tests are in, but generally that's not a huge problem. You can always do your own manual wrapping in testing sections, see for example the bottom half of this blog post.

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Joost Diepenmaat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09

Joost Diepenmaat