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Clojure dialog box for file selection with filter for files' extensions

This is a continuous crawling for a lipster beginner on Clojure and Java. I have this code to select a file, but I would like to filter the files' extensions that I am looking for.

(import javax.swing.JFileChooser)
(defn tlt-get-file [ ]
       (let [ filechooser (JFileChooser. "C:/") 
              retval (.showOpenDialog filechooser nil) ]
          (if (= retval JFileChooser/APPROVE_OPTION)
                (println (.getSelectedFile filechooser))
                (.getSelectedFile filechooser))

Your help always much appreciated.

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logigolf Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 19:11


2 Answers

(import '(javax.swing JFileChooser)
        '(javax.swing.filechooser FileNameExtensionFilter))
(defn tlt-get-file [ ]
       (let [ extFilter (FileNameExtensionFilter. "Text File" (into-array  ["txt"]))
              filechooser (JFileChooser. "C:/")
              dummy (.setFileFilter filechooser extFilter)
              retval (.showOpenDialog filechooser nil) ]
          (if (= retval JFileChooser/APPROVE_OPTION)
                (println (.getSelectedFile filechooser))
                (.getSelectedFile filechooser))
like image 168
BLUEPIXY Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10


You need to set the file filter, which you can do either by extending the FileFilter class, or using a built-in implementation like FileNameExtensionFilter. Note that the FNEF takes variable arguments in Java, which means that it takes an array in actual JVM bytecode. So something like

 "Text files only"
 (into-array ["txt"]))

would be a simple, reasonable filter.

Or if you would rather do something more specialized, like only accept extensions which have a J in them, you can implement the filtering yourself. Sadly, Java chose to make this a 100% abstract class instead of an interface, so you can't use reify. In an ideal world you could write

(reify java.io.FileFilter
  (getDescription [this] "Java loves Js!")
  (accept [this f]
    (boolean (re-find #"\..*j[^.]*$" (.getName f)))))

but Java loves classes, so instead you need

(proxy [java.io.FileFilter] []
  (getDescription [] "Java loves Js!")
  (accept [f]
    (boolean (re-find #"\..*j[^.]*$" (.getName f)))))
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amalloy Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10
