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Clientside Javascript in Typescript Express projects

I always wondered how I can properly add the clientsided javascript in my express project. I use Typescript and I would also like to take advantage of the Typescript typings (for jquery for instance) when writing my clientside javascripts.

My project structure looks like this:

  • root
    • dist
    • src
      • helpers
      • models
      • registration
        • router.ts
        • form.pug
      • profile
        • router.ts
        • profile.pug
    • wwwroot
      • css
      • js
      • images

What I have done until today:

I created all clientsided javascript files in wwwroot/js (e.g. jquery.min.js, registration-form.js) and I loaded them into the header of the appropriate pages.


  1. I had to write ES5 javascript which is compatible with the browsers we would like to support
  2. I couldn't put the javascript files where they logically belong to (e. g. I'd rather put my registration-form.js into src/registration/ instead of the wwwroot)
  3. No Typescript possible :(. No typescript typings, no transpiling to ES5 etc.

In some tutorials I saw they would simply run npm install --save jquery and import it in their clientsided files. So I feel like I must have missing some pretty important stuff, but I couldn't find any tutorials about it.

My question:

What is the "right way / best practice" to write clientsided javascript in Typescript / Express applications (which should also elliminate also the mentioned disadvantages)?

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kentor Avatar asked Nov 06 '17 01:11


1 Answers

Using TypeScript on the client side is not much different from the server side.

Here is what you can do:

  • Create client folder for client-side typescript sources
  • Put tsconfig.json into client folder and configure it to produce "es5" code (target: es5)
  • Install jquery types (npm install --save-dev @types/jquery)

That's it, now you can write your client side code in TypeScript.

You can compile server-side code with tsc -p ./src (having server-side tsconfig.json under src) and compile client-side code with tsc -p ./client.

I made a simple example of such app, check it here. I put the simple script to build everything into package.json, so you can run npm run-script complie to get both server and client code complied into /dist folder. Then run it with npm start.

Further steps:

  • Automate your flow: you should be able to start your app locally and then just edit source TypeScript files and the app should be reloaded automatically. This can be done with webpack / gulp / grunt or custom shell script that can be triggered once any of your source file has been changed and saved.
  • If you find yourself writing good amount of client-side code, check also angular (https://angular.io/docs). It uses TypeScript as preferred language for client-side development and you'll be able to build much more powerful client-side app using it. You may choose another library as well (react, vue.js, etc), see the examples on the TypeScript site.
like image 62
Boris Serebrov Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Boris Serebrov