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Client subscribe not receiving data from Meteor server publish



I've been banging my head against the wall for a while now, and I assume I'm missing something simple here.

I'm running this on my Meteor server:

// --- Collections ---
Projects = new Meteor.Collection('projects');
Team = new Meteor.Collection('team');

// --- Only publish user data for users on my team ---
Meteor.publish('team', function() {
    var team = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId}).profile._team;
    console.log(Meteor.users.find({'profile._team': team}, {fields: {_id: 1, profile: 1}}).fetch());
    return Meteor.users.find({'profile._team': team}, {fields: {_id: 1, profile: 1}});

This finds all of the users who are on the same "team" by running a query on all user documents who have the same id in the profile._team property as the currently logged in user. You'll see the console.log(...); in the publish function (on the line before the return statement), and it correctly logs the documents I expect it to in my terminal.

Now I'm running this on my client:

// --- Data ---
Team = new Meteor.Collection('team');

Template.team.team = function() {
    return Team.find();

However, the console.log(Team.findOne()) always logs undefined, Team.find() always returns an empty array. What am I doing incorrectly that is stopping my documents from reaching the client?

UPDATE: Here's the template code.

    {{> team}}

<template name="team">
    {{#each team}}
        <p>TEAM EACH WORKS</p>
        <div class="teamMember">
            {{profile.firstName}} {{profile.lastName}}

"TEAM EACH WORKS" is never rendered inside the {{#each}} tag, but "TEAM TEMPLATE WORKS" renders as expected when it is placed before the {{#each}} tag.

like image 554
winduptoy Avatar asked May 25 '13 22:05


1 Answers

Here is the problem:

On the client you refer to collection team:

Team = new Meteor.Collection('team');

However in the server publish function you return a cursor to users:

return Meteor.users.find({'profile._team': team}, {fields: {_id: 1, profile: 1}});

No document of team is ever published. In fact you don't even use Team and Projects in the server code.

Old answer:

Try to remove console.log(teamMates.fetch()); or add teamMates.rewind()

From the docs:

The forEach, map, or fetch methods can only be called once on a cursor. To access the data in a cursor more than once, use rewind to reset the cursor.

like image 134
Xyand Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
