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Client-side MVC frameworks for ClojureScript

I'm trying to choose a library for client-side MVC in ClojureScript. Here's are the ClojureScript libraries I've found so far:

  1. WebFUI (https://github.com/drcode/webfui)
  2. Enfocus: (http://ckirkendall.github.io/enfocus-site/)
  3. Pedestal (http://pedestal.io)
  4. Ducttape (https://github.com/hozumi/ducttape.cljs)
  5. C2 (http://keminglabs.com/c2/) It seems this can be used as a DOM framework.

How should I choose between them? Also, how will they compare to using AngularJS or Backbone from ClojureScript?

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Jonovono Avatar asked Apr 09 '13 21:04


People also ask

Is MVC client side?

Client side MVC means that a MVC framework is built entirely on the client side. So the server only delivers data to the application. The binding of the data to the models happens client side.

What is client side MVC with example?

Client side MVC means that a MVC framework is built entirely on the client side. So the server only delivers data to the application. The binding of the data to the models happens client side. An example of a framework that implements this principle is AngularJs Another one is Ember. Node on the server side has nothing to do with client side MVC.

What is MVC framework in JavaScript?

JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework for developing dynamic Internet applications using jQuery and OpenAjax. MVC frameworks are used with JavaScript to add an abstraction layer to the core language. It adds a m odel– v iew– c ontroller architecture and testing and deployment tools to those frameworks. How does the MVC Framework work?

What is the difference between server side and client side framework?

While client side frameworks are used for dealing with the user interface, a server side framework works in the background to ensure the smooth functioning of the website. The frontend is the part of the website visible to the users. Backend refers to the background functioning of the sites.

What is client-side MVC in AngularJS?

What do you mean by client-side MVC in AngularJS? The browser code is independent of the server. and there is no server rendering. The views are HTML templates which display the UI to the people. Simple thats your MVC.

1 Answers

This is not exactly a complete framework, maybe just the V of the client side MVC but it worth to keep an eye of it.


A ClojureScript interface to Facebook's React

Om allows users to represent their UIs simply as EDN. Because ClojureScript data is immutable data, Om can always rapidly re-render the UI from the root. Thus Om UIs are out of the box snapshotable and undoable and these operations have no implementation complexity and little overhead.

Please don't miss this read http://swannodette.github.io/2013/12/31/time-travel/

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Jaime Agudo Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

Jaime Agudo