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Client OAuth Settings are not showing in my app advance settings in facebook login

I am working and actually creating a login through facebook system and in order to redirect it, i am not getting any client OAuth settings in advance setting options while creating the app.

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Swapnil Sudhir Avatar asked May 08 '16 10:05

Swapnil Sudhir

People also ask

Where is client OAuth settings in Facebook?

In your Facebook app configuration, click on the Settings tab on the left-hand navigation menu. Then go to the Advanced tab at the top and scroll down to the Client OAuth Settings section.

How do I add OAuth to Facebook?

In the App Dashboard, choose your app and scroll to Add a Product Click Set Up in the Facebook Login card. Select Settings in the left side navigation panel and under Client OAuth Settings, enter your redirect URL in the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field for successful authorization.

Does Facebook login use OAuth?

OAuth is also used when giving third-party apps access to accounts like your Twitter, Facebook, Google, or Microsoft accounts. It allows these third-party apps access to parts of your account. However, they never get your account password.

How do I add this OAuth redirect URI to my Facebook app configuration?

In your app settings on https://developers.facebook.com/sa/apps/<my-app-id> , make sure that you add the Facebook Login product. Then under "Client OAuth Settings" enter the URL in the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" box.

1 Answers

1) Go to Dashboard
2) At bottom of left column Product Settings -> click +Add Product
3) Add facebook Login.
4) It will appear in the left column - click it there.
5) And You will find Client OAuth Login on the right.

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Amit Choudhary Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 04:11

Amit Choudhary