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ClickHandler on an existing element in GWT



I have an HTML document. In that document, there is an element (like button, div, a) with an ID. I know I can use:


to find the required element in the HTML file. How can I add a Click handler to it? ClickHandlers only seem to be available on the Button class.


like image 845
Honza Pokorny Avatar asked May 19 '10 21:05

Honza Pokorny

2 Answers

If you're trying to add a ClickHandler to a <button>, you can do that with Button.wrap().

For an <a> yo can use Anchor.wrap() (Anchors only have ClickListeners, not ClickHandlers...yet)

For a <div> you can use Label.wrap() (Labels are just <div>s).

like image 71
Jason Hall Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11

Jason Hall

Suggestion : Try learning how to use UiBinder (added in GWT 2.0).

In your case, you could have done :


<g:Button ui:field="btnName" />


public class yourView extends Composite {
    interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinder<LayoutPanel, yourView> {}
    private static MyUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class);

    @UiField Button btnName;

    public yourView() {

    void handleClick(ClickEvent e) {
        //Do whatever

With "@UiHandler" you can add any handler the widget can support (implement Has****Handler). Adding other element to that structure is easy and FAST and you can add any kind of handler to it. @UiField create a variable containing the instance of the element that is manipulatable anywhere in your class.

like image 34
Zwik Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11
