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Clickable URL in a Winform Message Box?

I want to display a link to help in a message box. By default the text is displayed as a non-selectable string.

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Jeff Avatar asked Dec 02 '09 15:12


People also ask

How do you add a link to a message box?

MsgBox does not allow hyperlinks, just plain text. Thus, here is a workaround that should work alright. Make the Label blue ( ForeColor ) and underlined ( Font ) so it looks like a typical hyperlink. Specify the cursor file for the Label's MouseIcon image (if you have one).

What is link in C#?

The Links property a type of LinkCollection represents all the hyperlinks available in a LinkLabel control. The Add method of LinkColleciton is used to add a link to the collection. The Remove and RemoveAt methods are used to remove a link from the LinkCollection.

What is Message Box property in C#?

MessageBox is a class in C# and Show is a method that displays a message in a small window in the center of the Form. MessageBox is used to provide confirmations of a task being done or to provide warnings before a task is done. Create a Windows Forms app in Visual Studio and add a button on it.

1 Answers

One option is display the url in the message box, along with a message and provide the help button that takes you to that url:

MessageBox.Show(     "test message",     "caption",     MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,     MessageBoxIcon.Information,     MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1,     0, '0 is default otherwise use MessageBoxOptions Enum     "http://google.com",     "keyword") 

Important to note this code cannot be in the load event of the form, the Help button will not open the link.

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schar Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11
