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Clickable label not working in IE 8

I've got the following list item:

<li>     <input value="someRadioButton" name="ctl00$mainContent$group" type="radio"         id="ctl00_mainContent_somelRadioButton" onclick="showSomeInfo()" />     <label for="ctl00_mainContent_someRadioButton">         <img class="extraPadding-Right-10" src="https://xxy.com/some_mark_37x23.gif" />     </label> </li> 

So what shows up is a radio button and an image next to it. When I am in FireFox, Chrome, and Safari clicking on that image fires the showSomeInfo() that's specified in the radio's onclick. I'm not sure why I guess because it's wrapped in a label and that label is relating to that radio button....

But anyway that's not my problem. I like that when you click the image, that javascript method showSomeInfo() is called. But the problem is that it works in all browsers except IE 8. If I open this page in IE 8, clicking on the image does nothing and I'm not sure why. I'm baffled at this one.

like image 708
PositiveGuy Avatar asked Apr 20 '10 19:04


2 Answers

I was looking for an answer to this and wrote a quick dirty jquery handler for it:

$("label").click(function(){     if ($(this).attr("for") != "")         $("#" + $(this).attr("for")).click(); }); 
like image 195
Rodrigo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09


There's a slightly cleaner approach to change the markup that doesn't involve (ugly) CSS hacks or Javascript; change the <img> tag to a <span> tag with a background-image of the appropriate size. For example:

<li>   <input value="someRadioButton" name="ctl00$mainContent$group" type="radio"          id="ctl00_mainContent_somelRadioButton" onclick="showSomeInfo()" />   <label for="ctl00_mainContent_someRadioButton">     <span class="extraPadding-Right-10" style="background-image: url(https://xxy.com/some_mark_37x23.gif); width: 100px; height: 100px; display: inline-block" />   </label> </li> 

Replacing the width and height of your image appropriately.

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Brad Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
