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click event listener on styled map icons and labels

Is it possible to add a listener for the click event on the icons and/or labels that appear for styled maps? I have a form that allows entry of Points of Interest. Since the poi styling shows icons and/or labels for many potential candidates, and clicking on one opens an infowindow with address info, etc, I would like to capture this address info to the fields on my form if the user clicks on one.

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user3258359 Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 02:12


1 Answers

There is no API-based access to the POI's .

But there is a possible workaround.

When you click on a POI an InfoWindow opens. It's possible to modify the InfoWindow-prototype to be able to access the content of the InfoWindow without having a reference to the InfoWindow-instance.

      //store the original setContent-function
      var fx = google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.setContent;

      //override the built-in setContent-method
      google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.setContent = function (content) {
          //when argument is a node
          if (content.querySelector) {
              //search for the address
              var addr = content.querySelector('.gm-basicinfo .gm-addr');
              if (addr) {

                  //leave the function here 
                  //when you don't want the InfoWindow to appear

          //run the original setContent-method
          fx.apply(this, arguments);

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/doktormolle/Vkf43/

Note: The selectors for the infowindow are not documented, they may change in the future

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Dr.Molle Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 05:01
