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Clear or selectively remove Remote Desktop Connection history [closed]




Microsoft RDC on Windows (to open type mstsc in Start -> Run ) saves the history of previous computers you have connected to in the "Computer" dropdown.

enter image description here

How can I clear them, or selfectively delete entries?

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Hardipsinh Jadeja Avatar asked Feb 03 '16 17:02

Hardipsinh Jadeja

People also ask

How do I delete Remote Desktop Connection history?

Remove entries in the Windows Remote Desktop Connection client. Entries appear as MRUnumber, and are visible in the right pane. To delete an entry, right-click it, and then select Delete.

How do I stop Windows from saving RDP connection history?

Disable Saving of Remote Desktop CredentialsOn the General tab on the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, there is a check box called Allow me to save credentials. Turning this check box on, allows you to tell Windows, when you provide your credentials on the next dialog box, to save the credentials you enter.

Where is RDP history stored?

You can find information about RDP connection history in Event Viewer logs: Security; Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager -> Operational; TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager -> Admin.

Can remote desktop connection be tracked?

1) Can Remote Desktop (RDP) Be Monitored? Yes. Using CurrentWare's remote desktop monitoring software you can monitor the computer activities of your end-users.

1 Answers

This can be done in Regedit

Open Regedit (Windows Key + R >> and then type in regedit >> Enter

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default

Then you can delete the entries starting with MRU and followed by a number.

The above registry will only store the 10 most recent unique connections, so navigating to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Server and deleting all the folders under Server will fully clear the history.

You may not be able to remove the last typed in location, it wont be in the list but it will be in the Computer: text field.

You could also use this FixtIt tool from Microsoft:


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Sauced Apples Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09

Sauced Apples