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Clear error on Knockout-Validation

I have a page setup with Knockout.js and using Knockout-Validation.

During the page load I put another plugin on a select box which fires a change, which fires the validation. I need to be able to clear that error using JS so I can start with a fresh looking UI and give feedback on the form post or select box change.

I can't find anything that allows me to clear an error in Knockout-Validation.

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Clarence Klopfstein Avatar asked Dec 05 '12 14:12

Clarence Klopfstein

4 Answers

Probably a better way that follows what is already implemented in knockout validation is to say property.isModified(false);

if you have a whole view model to reset simply loop through all the validated properties and call that isModified(false)

See the comment from Eric Barnard here

Hope that helps

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Pure Function Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Pure Function

Late answer but if anyone needs it :

// assuming the ko.observable on the checkbox is called propBoolean
var propBooleanlValid = ko.validation.group(self.propBoolean, { deep: false });
propBooleanlValid .showAllMessages(false);

It will hide the message till the next validation.

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Yooz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09


Found the answer by implementing this Pull Request.


Gives me the feature I need.

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Clarence Klopfstein Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Clarence Klopfstein

One way to solve it is by using a custom validator where you check for a flag in your viewmodel like "ignoreValidation". If that flag is true, then you let the validator pass.

Example of how that validator would look like:

    validation: [
            validator: function () {
                if (viewmodel.ignoreValidation) {
                    return true;

                return viewmodel.userHasPremiumMembership();
            message: 'User needs to have premium membership.'
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Yamo93 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
