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Clear Datagram Buffer in Java

So I got this simple udp client/server code from the internet, and it works. However, when I enter something that is shorter than the thing I entered before it, I get the remaining characters left over. For example, if I first enter:


And then enter:


The second print reads as:


I've been looking at other people with similar problems and most of them seem to be solved by clearing the byte array. However, if I try to implement their answers, it doesn't fix my problem. What do I need to do, and (maybe more importantly) where in the code should it go? Here is the code:


import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

class UDPClient
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
       BufferedReader inFromUser = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
       DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket();
       InetAddress IPAddress = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");
       byte[] sendData = new byte[1024];
       byte[] receiveData = new byte[1024];
       String sentence = inFromUser.readLine();
       sendData = sentence.getBytes();
       DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, IPAddress, 20700);
       DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length);
       String modifiedSentence = new String(receivePacket.getData());
       System.out.println("FROM SERVER:" + modifiedSentence);


import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;

class UDPServer
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
          DatagramSocket serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(21200);
          byte[] receiveData = new byte[1024];
          byte[] sendData = new byte[1024];
                   DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length);
                   String sentence = new String( receivePacket.getData(), 0, receivePacket.getLength());
                   System.out.println("RECEIVED: " + sentence);
                   InetAddress IPAddress = receivePacket.getAddress();
                   int port = receivePacket.getPort();
                   String capitalizedSentence = sentence.toUpperCase();
                   sendData = capitalizedSentence.getBytes();
                   DatagramPacket sendPacket =  new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, IPAddress, port);
like image 535
user1440061 Avatar asked Jul 09 '13 13:07


1 Answers

You don't need to clear the byte array, but you do need to take some notice of the length of the DatagramPacket after the receive, via the getLength() method; for example:

new String(packet.getData(), packet.getOffset(), packet.getLength());

You're doing that correctly in the server, but not in the client.

You also need to reset the length before calling receive(). Otherwise the DatagramPacket will keep shrinking to the length of the smallest packet received so far.

like image 152
user207421 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
