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Cleaning database after tests in node.js

How I can clean database after each it?

In rails I use https://github.com/bmabey/database_cleaner, but I did't find something similar for node.js

node.js (v0.10.26), PostgreSQL (9.3.3), mocha, restify and knex.

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frootloops Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 12:03


1 Answers

You can wrap your test into transaction:

beforeEach(() => {
    return connection.query('START TRANSACTION');
afterEach(() => {
    return connection.query('ROLLBACK');

It will be much faster to run tests this way, compared to cleaning, or even worse dropping/recreating schema after each test.

If using it with pooled connections (new Pool()), it will be necessary to limit number of connections to 1: new Pool({min:1, max:1}) - transactions must span single connection.

This won't work however if code being tested uses transactions too. It's possible to do nested transactions with savepoints but can get bit more complicated.

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Ski Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10
