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Clean server-side session files - Flask-Session using filesystem

I chose to use a server-side session management with Flask using Flask-Session.

I store the data using filesystem and as expected, these files are stored under a /flask_session folder in my config directory.

Here is how I set this up in my __init__.py

# __init__.py

from flask_session import Session


app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem'
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = config.SECRET_KEY
sess = Session()

As expected, session files generated & stored under /flask_session

▾ flask_session/

Question is: Are these files automatically removed by flask_session after a specific amount of time (ie. as the session stored client-side)? If yes, is it possible to decrease/increase this timing?

like image 870
smallwat3r Avatar asked Dec 18 '18 22:12


People also ask

How do you clear session data on a Flask?

There is no way to clear session or anything. One must simply change the app. config["SECRET_KEY"] and the contents in session dictionary will get erased.

Is Flask session client side or server-side?

Flask-Session is an extension for Flask that supports Server-side Session to your application. The Session is the time between the client logs in to the server and logs out of the server. The data that is required to be saved in the Session is stored in a temporary directory on the server.

Where is Flask session stored?

Flask – Sessions A session with each client is assigned a Session ID. The Session data is stored on top of cookies and the server signs them cryptographically. For this encryption, a Flask application needs a defined SECRET_KEY.

Does Flask support client side sessions?

Flask uses the client-side approach. Pros: Validating and creating sessions is fast (no data storage) Easy to scale (no need to replicate session data across web servers)

1 Answers

As Danila Ganchar commented, using PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME allows to control the session expiration time.

Flask-Session use the same builtin config than Flask itself (related to session). From Flask-Session doc:

The following configuration values are builtin configuration values within Flask itself that are related to session. They are all understood by Flask-Session, for example, you should use PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME to control your session lifetime.


# __init__.py

from flask_session import Session
from datetime import timedelta

app.config['SESSION_PERMANENT'] = True
app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem'
app.config['PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME'] = timedelta(hours=5)

# The maximum number of items the session stores 
# before it starts deleting some, default 500
app.config['SESSION_FILE_THRESHOLD'] = 100  

app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = config.SECRET_KEY
sess = Session()
like image 130
smallwat3r Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
