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clean project in flash builder on debug launch

Using Flash builder 4 to build an AIR app.

I keep having my code changes not take effect when I launch the project with the debugger, probably happens about once an hour. So does anyone know how to have FlashBuilder clean the project automatically before each launch?


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invertedSpear Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 21:02


1 Answers

I'm having a similar issue with a Flex application. If I make a change to an .as file the change is not taking effect. The component is being instantiated by a parent component in the application so the compiler should be catching any changes I made. In fact, I can put a syntax error in the file and it won't report a problem. I've uninstalled and reinstall Flash Builder 4. I have to do a clean every time. I tried the tip from rakslice's comment of compiling with mxmlc manually and it successfully compiled without any clues as to what the issue with incremental compiling in Flash Builder 4 is. I finally added "-incremental=false" to my project's additional compiler arguments. This takes longer to compile of course, but I find it easier than having to click Project --> Clean every time.

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Jamie McDaniel Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 16:03

Jamie McDaniel