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className in <Field> in Redux Form

I've created a redux-form and i want to add className to each Field to customize them with css. The code for each field is:

<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(requestAccountsFilter)}>
        <FormGroup row>
            placeholder="Enter Product Here"
          <Field id="side" name="side" component={inputField} type="select">
            <option value={null}>Any</option>
            <option value="Buy">Buy</option>
            <option value="Sell">Sell</option>
          <Field id="status" name="status" component={inputField} type="select">
            <option value={null}>Any</option>
            <option value="Working">Working</option>
            <option value="Completed">Completed</option>
          <Button name="submit-btn" className="filter-submit-btn" color="danger" type="submit">

I've added a className tag but i see that neither the placeholder i've added is shown nor the className. How can i customize each field?

like image 571
user7334203 Avatar asked Feb 13 '17 09:02


1 Answers

    placeholder="Type here..."

and your custom InputField should be something like

(I've taken this example from http://redux-form.com/6.5.0/examples/submitValidation/)

export const InputField = ({ input, type, placeholder, className, meta: { touched, error } }) => (
      <input {...input} placeholder={placeholder} type={type} className={className}/>
      {meta.touched && meta.error && <span>{meta.error}</span>}

or a better approach, if too many props are there, You can use object destructuring

export const InputField = (field) => ( 
        <input {...field.input} {...field} /> 
        {field.meta.touched && field.meta.error && <span className="error">{field.meta.error}</span>} 

{...field} will extract all props that you have passed in Field.

You can take a look at this official redux-form example: http://redux-form.com/6.5.0/examples/react-widgets/ to get more idea.

Hope it helps :)

like image 165
Hardik Modha Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Hardik Modha