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ClassMapper: No setter/field for aBooleanType

I am using firebase and this is my data class definition:

data class ClaimOrder(val address: String? = null,
                  val amount: Long = 0L,
                  val isProcessed: Boolean = false,
                  val onCreate: kotlin.Any? = ServerValue.TIMESTAMP)

however on logs I am seeing following warning: W/ClassMapper: No setter/field for isProcessed found on class com.guness.bitfarm.service.models.ClaimOrder

I have tried @SerializedName("isProcessed") but no luck.

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guness Avatar asked Aug 16 '17 17:08


2 Answers

I can't find any official document from Firebase mentioning about the naming rules of the getter and setter, but it seems like they are looking for JavaBean-like getters/setters

When you have a property named isProcessed, Firebase requires you to have getter/setter named getIsProcessed()/setIsProcessed(). However, a different naming rule is applied when the property is start with is in Kotlin. It genarates getter/setter named isProcessed()/setProcessed(), according to Kotlin doc:

If the name of the property starts with is, a different name mapping rule is used: the name of the getter will be the same as the property name, and the name of the setter will be obtained by replacing is with set. For example, for a property isOpen, the getter will be called isOpen() and the setter will be called setOpen(). This rule applies for properties of any type, not just Boolean.

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BakaWaii Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09


I don't know the exact reason but here is my guess:

variable name isProcessed causes different accessor methods to be generated so underlying gson and kotlin methods does not match.

however using just processed seems to fix things well.

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guness Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
