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Classic ASP on IIS7: refusing to send errors to browser on 500 Internal Server Error

I have classic ASP running on IIS 7.

Even though I configured the ASP "Debugging Properties" to "Send Errors to Browser = True", the web app REFUSES to send errors to the browser and continues to send a 500 internal server error.

  • My browser has "Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages" unchecked.
  • Failed Request Tracing is installed (not sure if that's related)
  • Happens both on web pages loaded locally on the server and remotely
  • The App Pool is integrated (not sure if that matters)

Any ideas?

like image 679
Matias Nino Avatar asked Sep 21 '09 10:09

Matias Nino

People also ask

How do I fix a 500 Internal server error?

Clear your browser cache and cookies Check these articles on deleting the cache on an Android phone or iPhone, if you use a mobile device. Alternatively, you can test opening the page from another browser. For instance, if you use Chrome, try Firefox or vice versa.

How do I fix 500 internal server error IIS?

IIS error The error 500.19 is an internal server error often occurring on a server using Microsoft IIS software. It indicates that the configuration data for the page is invalid. To solve the issue, delete the malformed XML element from the Web. config file or from the ApplicationHost.

What is an ASP 500 error?

HTTP Error 500 message indicates that a problem has occurred on the Web server that hosts the Web site at the time the error is returned.

What causes a 500 internal error?

The 500 Internal Server error could be caused by an error during the execution of any policy within Edge or by an error on the target/backend server. The HTTP status code 500 is a generic error response. It means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

1 Answers

Try : Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager —> Default Web Site —> Click Error Pages properties and select Detail errors

like image 91
lsalamon Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10
