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clarification about Android documentation

Note: Even if the system destroys your activity while it's stopped, it still retains the state

of the View objects (such as text in an EditText) in a Bundle (a blob of key-value pairs) and restores them if the user navigates back to the same instance of the activity (the next lesson talks more about using a Bundle to save other state data in case your activity is destroyed and recreated).

the same instance of the activity

how it could be exact instance when it is destroyed and recreated , isn't it going to be a new memory block (another instance ), could anyone help me to clear this point ?

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nish1013 Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 08:08


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1 Answers

Unfortunately the documentation isn't very clear in a lot of areas. This is one of them.

In theory, if Android were to destroy your activity while it is stopped, then it would call onDestroy() and the GC would reclaim the memory. In actual fact, Android never destroys individual activities to free up memory. What it actually does is it kills the entire OS process instead. In this case, onDestroy() never gets called on any of the activities in the process. The GC doesn't bother to clean up anything, because the VM (Virtual Machine) just dies immediately along with everything else in the process and the entire amount of memory in use by the process is reclaimed by the operating system.

When your user navigates back to your application, Android creates a completely new process for your application and then it will create a new instance of your activity. In this case it will, of course, get a completely new block of memory for the instance. You will also see the constructor get called and onCreate() will also be called. However, since Android saves the state of the activity's views, that state will be restored by the activity by the call to super.onCreate().

There are a few cases where Android will destroy an instance of an activity and create a new one automatically. This is done, for example, during a configuration (ie: orientation) change. In that case, Android calls onDestroy() on the old instance and creates a new instance of the activity. The new instance gets the saved state of the old instance and can therefore restore the state of the views as able. In this case, since a new instance is being created, it will, of course, have a different address in memory.

Once a component is destroyed, it is effectively dead and the memory it is using can be reclaimed by the GC. Android will never reanimate a dead instance.

Hopefully this clarifies the situation for you.

EDIT Add more details

Android keeps track of tasks and the activities in those tasks in its own internal data structures. For each activity, it keeps a copy of the Intent that started the activity, the most recent Intent sent to that activity and it keeps a Bundle containing the saved state of that activity. Android calls onSaveInstanceState() on an activity to give the activity a chance to save anything that it will need to restore the activity if Android decides to kill it. The default implementation of onSaveInstanceState() saves the state of all the activity's views. Your implementation needs to save anything else that the activity will need to restore itself if it is killed and recreated by Android (for whatever reason). Your activity's private member variables and static variables are not automatically saved and restored in the Bundle, so if you need these to be able to recreate your activity properly you must save them yourself using the Bundle provided by onSaveInstanceState(). Static variables will stay around for the lifetime of the application's process, but since Android can kill the process (to reclaim resources) at any time, without warning, you also cannot rely on static variables always having the expected values (in the case where Android has killed and recreated your process).

If your activity (or process) is killed by Android and the user later navigates back to your activity, Android uses the information it has in its internal data structures to create a new instance of the activity. It then calls onCreate() on the new instance passing the saved instance state Bundle as a parameter. This can then be used to restore the activity to the state it had before the original instance was killed. Android will also call onRestoreInstanceState() after calling onStart() so that you can also do your restoration of state in that method if you don't want to do it in onCreate().

Note: Remember that anything you want to save/restore in a Bundle must be either a primitive (int, boolean, etc.) or it must implement Serializable or Parcelable.

The documentation of onSaveInstanceState() contains some useful information about this as well.

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David Wasser Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11

David Wasser