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Clang/GCC Compiler Intrinsics without corresponding compiler flag


I know there are similar questions to this, but compiling different file with different flag is not acceptable solution here since it would complicate the codebase real quick. An answer with "No, it is not possible" will do.

Is it possible, in any version of Clang OR GCC, to compile intrinsics function for SSE 2/3/3S/4.1 while only enable compiler to use SSE instruction set for its optimization?

EDIT: For example, I want compiler to turn _mm_load_si128() to movdqa, but compiler must not do emit this instruction at any other place than this intrinsics function, similar to how MSVC compiler works.

EDIT2: I have dynamic dispatcher in place and several version of single function with different instruction sets written using intrinsics function. Using multiple file will make this much harder to maintain as same version of code will span multiple file, and there are a lot of this type of functions.

EDIT3: Example source code as requested: https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlus/blob/master/avs_core/filters/resample.cpp or most file in that folder really.