I'm having an issue with the CKEditor autogrow plugin:
Upon pressing return (after auto-growing past the min height), the text content shakes (jumps up one line and back down), and a vertical scroll bar flickers on-and-off. The autogrow works, but the user-experience is jerky.
I can hide the vertical scroll bar by specifying scrolling="no" and overflow="hidden", but the text content still shakes.
I'm disabling scrolling in ckeditor.js:
<iframe scrolling="no" style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;" frameBorder="0" title="'+E+'"'+' src="'+W+'"'+' tabIndex="'+(b.webkit?-1:C.tabIndex)+'"'+' allowTransparency="true"'+'></iframe>
CKEditor initialization code:
top: 'topSpace',
bottom: 'bottomSpace'
extraPlugins: 'autogrow,tableresize',
removePlugins: 'maximize,resize,elementspath',
skin: 'kama',
toolbar: [['Format', 'Font', 'FontSize'], ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', '-', 'RemoveFormat'], ['TextColor', 'BGColor'], ['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'], ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList'], ['Outdent', 'Indent'],
'/', ['Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor'], ['Image', 'Flash', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar'], ['PasteText', 'PasteFromWord'],['Cut','Copy','Paste'], ['Undo', 'Redo'], ['Find', 'Replace'], ['SpellChecker']],
toolbarCanCollapse: false,
pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles: false,
shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
autoGrow_minHeight: 300
Is there any way to avoid the text content jumping/shifting upon pressing the enter key (after autogrowing past the min height)?
I've been testing a fix today and I think I have a working solution for all major browsers. In addition, I also made a fix for horizontal scrollbar sizing issue (horizontal scrollbar doesn't increase the size of the editor). That ended up being bit of a kludge though (for sake of simplicity scrollbar height is hardcoded 17 pixels) so I'll provide you with both versions, with and without the horizontal scrollbar fix.
I know the proper way would be to create a patch and suggest it to be implemented in next release of CKEditor, but that takes a while so meanwhile here's what you can do. You can download the modified compressed plugin.js file from the link below and place it in your CKEditor in path /plugins/autogrow/plugin.js
So what was changed?
I'll explain these modifications via uncompressed (_source folder) files which are readable whereas compressed files are quite hard to read and understand.
I made small modifications to autogrow temporary marker which is used to calculate editor's new height. Here's the new version of marker code in _source (uncompressed) autogrow/plugin.js line 19.
var marker = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0;clear:both;width:1px;height:0px;font-size:0;display:block;"> </span>', doc );
So height is changed from 1 pixel to zero pixels, a non-breaking space is always printed inside the marker element and font size is forced to zero. After these modifications this actually fixed the issue - instead removing the marker from DOM immediately I changed it to be removed via 1 millisecond timeout (line 24 in uncompressed plugin.js file).
setTimeout(function() {
Horizontal scrollbar fix
This is bit of dull. I just added a check whether editor scrollWidth is bigger than clientWidth and if so then add 17 pixels to newHeight and currentHeight variables before checking newHeight minimum and maximum allowed values.
// TODO: calculate horizontal scrollbar height instead of using static 17 pixels
if ( scrollable.$.scrollWidth > scrollable.$.clientWidth ) {
newHeight += 17;
currentHeight += 17;
newHeight = Math.max( newHeight, min );
newHeight = Math.min( newHeight, max );
Instead of using 17 pixel hardcoded value, method descibed in How can I get the browser's scrollbar sizes? (or something similar) could be used to calculate scrollbar size to make this fix more proper.
contents.css add:
body {overflow:hidden; /Hide Autogrow flicker/}
(Need to clear cache to test)
plugin.js (resizeEditor) Set "Additional space specified by user" = 20:
newHeight += 20; //Fix Autogrow flicker //(editor.config.autoGrow_bottomSpace || 0);
if (scrollable.$.scrollHeight > scrollable.clientHeight...
//Fix Autogrow flicker:
//contents.css change (test: clear css cache): body {overflow:hidden; /*Hide Autogrow flicker*/}
var editorBody = $(editor.editable().$);
if (newHeight >= max)
editorBody.css('overflow-y', 'visible');
editorBody.css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
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