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City By GPS Location Latitude/Longitude

I've got a latitude/longitude value.... How can I search and get the city?

like image 957
Lennie Avatar asked Oct 12 '10 19:10


2 Answers

If you're looking for free (as freedom) sources, you can use Geonames API findNearbyPlaceName.

For example the following returns nearest Placename:


More information is available here


Another option is getting data from Freebase. Instead of single point it takes bounded box:


like image 90
Maksym Kozlenko Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 12:10

Maksym Kozlenko

Using the google maps api, here is an example to get the address in XML format.


Where latlng = 0,0 sensor = false, and region = country code, so for my old address it would be


Then you can use that XML to get whatever details you need, including the City

like image 39
PostMan Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10
