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CircleCI not caching my globally installed node module?

I am trying to cache a command line tool needed for my build process. The tool is made out of NodeJS. The build succeeds, but I need it to run faster.

The relevant parts of my circle.yml look like this :

    - npm -g list
    - if [ $(npm -g list | grep -c starrynight) -lt 1 ]; then npm install -g starrynight; else echo "StarryNight seems to be cached"; fi

    - npm -g list
    - starrynight run-tests --framework nightwatch

The second npm -g list shows starrynight available for use, but the first one shows that it is not being cached.

echo $(npm prefix -g)

. . . gets me . . .


. . . so I am assuming CircleCI doesn't cache anything installed globally into nvm.

Nothing I have tried gets me my message, "StarryNight seems to be cached".

How can I cache starrynight?

like image 866
Martin Bramwell Avatar asked Aug 01 '15 22:08

Martin Bramwell

People also ask

Where is global npm cache?

Cache files are stored in ~/. npm on Posix, or %AppData%/npm-cache on Windows.

How does CircleCI cache work?

DLC caches the individual layers of any Docker images built during your CircleCI jobs, and then reuses unchanged image layers on subsequent CircleCI runs, rather than rebuilding the entire image every time. In short, the less your Dockerfiles change from commit to commit, the faster your image-building steps will run.

Where are global node packages stored?

Global modules are installed in the /usr/local/lib/node_modules project directory in the standard system, which is the system's root. Print the location of all global modules on your system using this command.

Does npm CI cache?

Caching node dependencies is one of circleci's features. In the first build, one can run npm install , save the resulting node_modules directory identified by a checksum of the package. json and when running the build again and package.

2 Answers

Ok, I figured this out. Thanks to Hirokuni Kim of CircleCI for pointing me in the right direction.

The relevant bits of the new circle.yml looks like this :

    version: 0.10.33

    - ~/nvm/v0.10.33/lib/node_modules/starrynight
    - ~/nvm/v0.10.33/bin/starrynight
    - if [ ! -e ~/nvm/v0.10.33/bin/starrynight ]; then npm install -g starrynight; else echo "Starrynight seems to be cached"; fi;

Hirokuni suggested caching ~/nvm but cache retrieval took as long as the build, since it restores every available version of nodejs.

I had tried previously to cache just ~/nvm/v0.10.33/lib/node_modules/starrynight on its own, without realizing that the sister 'directory' bin/starrynight is actually an essential symlink to the entry point of the module.

My working assumption is that NodeJS modules run from the command line through a series of symbolic references, probably as follows. . .

npm install -g starrynight creates two new artifacts:

  • an environment alias for npm named starrynight
  • a symlink in the ${prefix}/bin directory, which points to the entry point file, starrynight.js specified with the bin key in package.json.

When the user types starrynight as a CLI command the shell interprets it as an alias for npm and executes it. npm examines $0, gets starrynight, and starts up nodejs with the symlink ${prefix}/bin/starrynight as the module to execute. That symlink refers to ~/nvm/v0.10.33/lib/node_modules/starrynight where the real action takes place.

In short, it is necessary to cache both ${prefix}/lib/node_modules/xxx and ${prefix}/bin/xxx

like image 154
Martin Bramwell Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

Martin Bramwell

The path in the accepted answer doesn't seem to work anymore. I've checked on the build instance that now global npm packages are in


so I've added to the circle.yml the following:

- "/opt/circleci/nodejs/v4.3.2/lib/node_modules"
- "/opt/circleci/nodejs/v4.3.2/bin"
like image 23
Aides Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10
